Embedded cooperation ensures high-quality data exchange and a safer North Sea
Today, March 6th 2020, the final event of the MAiDEN project took place. The icing on the cake after two years of intensive cooperation between coast guard partners.
Sea of expertise
The MAritime Information Data Exchange Network, or MAiDEN – project in short, is a cooperation between different coast guard partners responsible for safety, security and incident-handling on the Belgian part of the North Sea.
The Directorate – General (DG) Shipping of the Federal Public Service (FPS) Mobility and Transport took on the coordinating role and worked closely with the Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services (MDK), Defense, Customs and the Maritime and River Police.The services of the governor of West-Flanders province and the coast guard secretariat provided administrative assistance.
March 1st 2018 was the official kick-off for the MAiDEN project. From that day on, the MAiDEN partners had two years to ensure a high-end connection between their data – and communication networks. Those networks contribute to an efficient data-exchange and help build up an accurate overview of all activities on the Belgian part of the North Sea.
Today the MAiDEN partners presented the milestones achieved to the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Entreprises (EASME), who financed part of the project.
Future operations will benefit from a safer and more secure North Sea!