The coast guard keeps an eye on the sea

Coast guard


  • 27.03.20

    Looking forward to your yearly date with Belgium's illustrious maritime history at Ostend at Anchor?
    We are sorry to have to inform you that, due to the coronavirus, it was decided to postpone your favourite maritime event to 2021.

    Dates for 2021 are already known, so be sure to make a note in your calendar: 27 May to 30 May 2021

  • 20.03.20

    Our coast guard partner Federal Public Service (FPS) Foreign Affairs summons all Belgians that are now abroad to register at 

    traveller's online

    That way, embassies and consulates are informed of your whereabouts. This way they can contact you more easily and help you find a solution. 


  • 17.03.20

    Important update:

    Our coast guard partner agency for Maritime and Coastal Services (MDK) decided to cease the ferry service in Oostende, as well as in Antwerpen (Sint Anna) and Bazel-Hemiksem, in accordance with the Corona measures.
    From today March 17th till April 3rd 2020 these ferry services will NOT be operational. 

    Information ferry services:

    Following ferry services are still in service:

    - Langerbrugge;
    - Terdonk;
    - Kruibeke-Hoboken.

  • 17.03.20

    All offices pleasure craft and sea fisheries of our coast guard partner Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport are closed.
    Should you have any questions, please direct them to: 

    Request for letters of registration can at all times be done online : 

    All pleasure craft exams are postponed until at least April 3rd 2020. As soon as new exams can be organized, FPS Mobility and Transport will contact all candidates to determine a new date.

  • 16.03.20

    Our coastguard partner Federal Public Service (FPS) Mobility and Transport wishes to report the following:
    the measures for containing the corona virus include a prohibition on recreational shipping, both individually and in group, in the Belgian territorial waters of the North Sea until April 3rd 2020. 
    This means that also the individual practice of water sports such as surfing, wakeboarding, kitesurfing,... is not allowed during this period of time.

    What is still allowed:
    Sea fishery
    Merchant vessels can call at/depart from Belgian harbours (usual reporting procedures apply)

  • 16.03.20

    Always up-to-date on the latest news about the corona virus?
    Our coast guard partner the Belgian national crisis centre keeps you informed on emergency situations via BE-alert.

    Register at

  • 16.03.20

    Our coast guard partners are putting all their efforts in following the instructions with regard to the corona virus whilst ensuring public service wherever possible.

    Our coast guard partner agency for Maritime and Coastal services (MDK) informs that the ferry service in Nieuwpoort and the ferry service in Oostende are cancelled during weekends until April 3rd 2020.

    On weekdays the ferry service in Oostende will be operational for commuters.
    Similar to public transport, other ferry services remain operational.

    All information on ferry services:

  • 06.03.20

    Embedded cooperation ensures high-quality data exchange and a safer North Sea

    Today, March 6th 2020, the final event of the MAiDEN project took place. The icing on the cake after two years of intensive cooperation between coast guard partners.


    Sea of expertise

    The MAritime Information Data Exchange Network, or MAiDEN – project in short, is a cooperation between different coast guard partners responsible for safety, security and incident-handling on the Belgian part of the North Sea.
    The Directorate – General (DG) Shipping of the Federal Public Service (FPS) Mobility and Transport took on the coordinating role and worked closely with the Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services (MDK), Defense, Customs and the Maritime and River Police.The services of the governor of West-Flanders province and the coast guard secretariat provided administrative assistance.

    March 1st 2018 was the official kick-off for the MAiDEN project. From that day on, the MAiDEN partners had two years to ensure a high-end connection between their data – and communication networks. Those networks contribute to an efficient data-exchange and help build up an accurate overview of all activities on the Belgian part of the North Sea.

    Today the MAiDEN partners presented the milestones achieved to the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Entreprises (EASME), who financed part of the project.

    Future operations will benefit from a safer and more secure North Sea!


  • 05.02.20

    Let the countdown to February 11th begin. An exciting day for Belgium's marine research community, as the new research vessel Belgica II will be launched!
    At the end of 2019 the bow thrusters and drop keels were installed. These past weeks, the vessel was given a paint job and is now dazzling white. 

    After more than 30 years of faithful service, the original RV Belgica was in dire need of replacement. It was decided to built a new, modern ánd multidisciplinary research vessel.
    This brand new vessel will be operational end 2020 thanks to the cooperation between a number of our coastguard partners: the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, the ministry of Defense and the Science Policy Office.

    Follow the whole operation on facebook : facebook HowBigIsBelgica

  • 28.05.19

    May 22nd the second meeting for 2019 of the Coast Guard Consultatation body took place in the official residence of West-Flanders governor Decaluwé. The consultation body brings together representatives of all coast guard partners. These representatives can be engineers, scientists, legal or nautical experts or operational personnel. The consultation body meets four times a year and is chaired by the governor of West-Flanders province. Items on the agenda were, among others, the extensive update of the Belgian Navigation Code, feedback on several international meetings dealing with various coast guard functions and a state of affiars on the MAiDEN project, which supports the further development of the Belgian coast guard centre.